Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wednesday night, 10.30pm

"In bed, browsing. Looked at images in the gallery."

- Joe

In bed

Wednesday night, 9.40pm

"Killing time. Not in the mood to read a lot, but browsed through 3 interesting articles - athletics, a squat in Caracas, and Jeremy Deller."

- Charmaine

On the bus

Wednesday evening, 6pm

"Once again, just browsing the news while walking the dog."

- Mark

Walking the dog

Wednesday afternoon, 3.22pm
"In the park, checking Twitter. Clicked on an link.
Couldn't access the interactive graphic because iPhone doesn't support Flash."
- Marianne

In the park

Wednesday afternoon, 3pm
"Checking the latest news on the Libya uprising while eating.
Good for quick updates when I don't feel like reading long articles."
- Arun

Having lunch

Wednesday afternoon, 12.30pm

"In the loo. Quick read of a Toulouse Lautrec article."

- Joe

In the loo

Wednesday morning, 10.50am

"The app very useful for sit-down journey-time reading.

The layout and interface makes it fairly painless selecting headlines and images that interest me."

- Elizabeth

On the train

Wednesday morning, 8.47am

"Killing time while waiting for a friend for a morning jog.
The reception was good, so I just browsed the day's top news stories."

- Deana

At the park

Wednesday morning, 8am

"In bed, browsing the headlines. Looked at all the photos in the music section.
Not much had changed in the main news and features sections.
Listened to bits of a tech podcast."

- Joe

In bed

Wednesday morning, 7.50am

"Waking up. Want to find out more about Daryl Hannah being arrested.
Couldn't find anything on the mobile website, so Googled it instead.
Spotted another story on the homeless on the Guardian website that looked useful for work, so went back and read that."

- Charmaine

In bed

Wednesday morning, 5am

"Trying the browse new headlines while waiting for the bus, but the app froze and crashed. No explanation."

- Pauline

Waiting for the bus

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