Friday 19 August 2011

Friday night, 11.55pm

"In bed. Want to find out more about Madonna's film reception in Venice.
Found it, then decided I couldn't be bothered to read the whole article."

- Charmaine

In a caravan

Friday evening, 5.40pm
"Browsing stuff. Read an article about a list of Swansea eateries, then wanted to do the latest crossword. LOTS of issues with loading time. Each time I entered a letter, I had to wait for the page to reload.
I gave up halfway."
- Ollie

On the tube

Friday afternoon, 3.30pm

"Browsing the headlines while waiting for a friend. Works fine."

- Pauline

Waiting for a friend

Friday afternoon, 12.30pm

"Waiting for a friend to turn up for lunch. Browsing the day's news headlines.
The restaurant is below street level, and might be contributing to the poor signal. Articles loading very slowly. Gave up halfway."

- Deana

At the restaurant

Thursday morning, 9.25am
"Browsing stories to kill some in-stransit waiting time.
I like how the 'Tags' feature - it's a good way of browsing for articles topically."
- Elizabeth

On the tube

Friday morning, 9:15am
"In bed, waking myself up by reading the 'most viewed' articles.
I read the top 4 most read articles, then left the app to upload some songs to my phone."
- Arun

In bed

Friday morning, 8.30am
"Checking headlines.
Good, quick. Again, I didn't go into any of the articles - just did a quick scan of the day's news."
- Tom

In the loo

Friday morning, 7.04am
"In bed, trying to wake up.
Checking Twitter, and once again, got linked to an story."
- Marianne

In bed

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